Exploring the Heart of Southern California: The Allure of Los Angeles

Nestled along the sun-kissed coast of Southern California lies a city that needs no introduction: Los Angeles. With its unmistakable energy and iconic landmarks, LA captivates visitors from around the globe, offering a kaleidoscope of experiences that reflect the essence of modern American culture.Diving into the City of Dreams As you venture into the heart... Continue Reading →

Politics of Bangladesh

Certainly! Bangladesh, located in South Asia, has a dynamic political landscape. Here's a brief overview:1. Political History: Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation in 1971 after a bloody war of independence from Pakistan. Since then, it has experienced periods of military rule interspersed with democratic governance.2. Major Political Parties: - **Awami League (AL)**: Led by... Continue Reading →

Majesty to Modesty: A Family’s Journey

Part 5: A New Beginning The Stanton family emerged from the crucible of their hardships with a newfound sense of purpose and resilience. They navigated the tumultuous seas of change, embracing humility and learning from their mistakes. William sought to rebuild his empire through prudent investments and ethical business practices, endeavoring to leave a legacy... Continue Reading →

Majesty to Modesty: A Family’s Journey

Part 4: The Resilience and Unity Amidst the despair and uncertainty, a flicker of resilience and unity emerged within the Stanton family. They found solace in their shared love and unbreakable bond, transcending the material trappings that once defined their existence. Each member, burdened with their own fears and insecurities, reached out to the others,... Continue Reading →

Majesty to Modesty: A Family’s Journey

Part 3: The Darkest Hour The once gilded gates of the Stanton mansion now stood as a reminder of their plight, evoking whispers of pity and schadenfreude from their former peers. William and Eleanor grappled with the heavy burden of their financial downfall, their pride wounded and their spirits crushed. Alexander and Victoria, who had... Continue Reading →

How to become hero!

It sounds like you're referencing Hiro Protagonist from Neal Stephenson's novel "Snow Crash." While becoming Hiro Protagonist is fictional and not possible in the real world, you can adopt some of his characteristics:1. Skills : Hiro is skilled in hacking, sword-fighting, and many other areas. Focus on acquiring relevant skills in technology, martial arts, or... Continue Reading →

Majesty to Modesty: A Family’s Journey

Part 2: The Fall from Grace However, behind the façade of opulence lurked the shadows of financial mismanagement and risky investments. The Stantons, blinded by their own hubris, failed to foresee the impending storm that would devastate their once flourishing dynasty. A series of ill-fated business ventures and economic downturns left the family in a... Continue Reading →

Majesty to Modesty: A Family’s Journey

Part 1: The Golden Era Once upon a time in the bustling city of New York, there stood an imposing mansion that belonged to the prestigious Stanton family. William Stanton, a shrewd businessman, had built an empire through astute investments and ambitious entrepreneurship. His wife, Eleanor, was a graceful socialite known for her philanthropy and... Continue Reading →

Money is Powerful in Life

Money has been a topic of debate, fascination, and sometimes contention throughout human history. While it is true that money cannot buy happiness or guarantee love and relationships, its power in shaping our lives and influencing our choices cannot be denied. Let's delve into why money is powerful in life.Freedom and ChoicesFirst and foremost, money... Continue Reading →

Brushes of Dreams: Maya’s Artistic Odyssey

Once in a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Maya. Despite facing numerous challenges, Maya harbored a dream of becoming a skilled painter. Her humble surroundings couldn't dampen her vibrant spirit.One day, an artist passing through the village noticed Maya's sketches on the back of old notebooks. Impressed by... Continue Reading →

Adolf Hitler.!

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was a German politician who led the Nazi Party and served as Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. His leadership culminated in World War II and the Holocaust, resulting in the genocide of six million Jews and millions of others deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime.Born in Austria, Hitler moved to... Continue Reading →

How to get smart lifestyle

A smart lifestyle is one that supports and enhances your intelligence, creativity, and well-being. There are many ways to achieve this, but some of the most common and effective ones are:Exercise regularly. Physical activity improves your brain function, memory, and mood. It also helps prevent diseases and keeps you fit. You don’t need to do... Continue Reading →

Positive Thinking

In the bustling town of Brightsville, lived a young girl named Lila. Lila was known for her radiant smile and the boundless optimism she carried with her everywhere. However, beneath her cheerful exterior, Lila harbored a secret: she was terrified of public speaking.One day, her teacher, Mr. Jensen, announced a school competition. Each student had... Continue Reading →

Christmas Around the World

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” ~Hamilton Wright Mabie Click on any image to enlarge it, or to begin slideshow. “And when we give each other Christmas gifts in his name, let us remember that he has given us the sun and moon and stars, and the... Continue Reading →

Powerful Life Blueprint

Creating a powerful life involves a combination of personal growth, meaningful relationships, and pursuing your passions. Here are some steps to help you on that journey: 1. Self-awareness: Understand your strengths, weaknesses, desires, and fears. This foundation helps you make informed decisions. 2. Set Clear Goals: Determine what you want in life, both short-term and... Continue Reading →

Future technology

Predicting the future of technology is speculative, but based on trends and ongoing research up to 2022, here are a few potential advancements:1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Continued advancements in machine learning could lead to more sophisticated AI systems capable of complex tasks, decision-making, and enhanced personalization.2. Quantum Computing: As quantum computers become more accessible, they... Continue Reading →

The Power of Collective Will

Once upon a time in a small village nestled among the rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Eliza. Eliza was known for her determination and unwavering belief that anything was possible if people truly wanted it.One day, a terrible drought struck the village, withering the fields and leaving the once-lush land barren. The... Continue Reading →

Iron Lady of India

From the pages of history December 16th is observed annually in India as Vijay Diwas (Victory Day), commemorating a pivotal moment in the nation’s history—the decisive triumph over Pakistan in the 1971 war, resulting in the creation of Bangladesh. 52 years ago today, the Indo-Pak war concluded after just 13 days, culminating in the signing... Continue Reading →


If you think there was peace in the middle-east prior to October 7th, you are not correct. If you think that relentlessly bombing innocent civilians in the streets, schoolhouses, places of worship, hospitals and their homes is an acceptable action for the Israeli government to be doing, I question your humanity.  If you think that... Continue Reading →

Random Photo. #6

Good morning everyone! Welcome back to another random photo. It is beautiful today, sunny and a south wind blowing. The temperature should rise to 41F (5C) today, absolutely beautiful for a December day! Already the streets are wet as the snow begins to melt once more, not something we hear too much in the month of December.  Today I... Continue Reading →

Embracing the Magic of Christmas

Tis the season to be jolly, as the air fills with the sweet aroma of gingerbread and the gentle twinkle of fairy lights. Yes, Christmas is upon us, and with it comes an undeniable sense of warmth, joy, and nostalgia that pulls at the heartstrings of people around the world. It's a time for family,... Continue Reading →

A Spiritual Haven in the Heart of India

Ajmer Sharif, located in the heart of Rajasthan, India, is a sacred place that holds great spiritual significance for millions of people around the world. This historical city is renowned for being the home of the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, a revered Sufi saint who is known for his teachings of love, peace, and... Continue Reading →

The Duchess

The Duchess, approaching her thirty-fifth year and already a widow, felt the specter of old age haunting her doorstep. Yet, despite her apprehension, her many admirers were quick to dispel these fears, claiming she aged like the finest of wines. They all thirsted for a taste. Amongst them, a young man captivated her the most:... Continue Reading →

The way the Illuminati works

The way the Illuminati works has been a subject of speculation and interpretation, often influenced by conspiracy theories and fictional portrayals. However, it's important to separate fact from fiction when discussing the workings of the Illuminati. Here, I can provide a general overview based on historical context and contemporary understanding:1. Historical Context: The original Order... Continue Reading →

Google Boy Kautilya Pandit

Kautilya Pandit, popularly known as the "Google Boy," is a remarkable child prodigy from India. Born on December 24, 2007, in Kharhar village of Haryana, India, Kautilya gained international fame for his exceptional knowledge and memory skills. At the age of five, he was able to recite details about countries, their capitals, currencies, and geographical... Continue Reading →

About Illuminati..!

The Illuminati is a term that has been widely used to refer to various secret societies and conspiracy theories throughout history. The term typically refers to a supposed secret group of elites who are believed to exert a controlling influence over world affairs. The origins of the Illuminati can be traced back to the 18th... Continue Reading →

Street food Malaysia

Malaysia is a country with a rich and diverse culinary heritage, influenced by its Chinese, Thai, and Indian neighbors. Street food is a big part of Malaysian culture, and you can find many delicious dishes at outdoor markets, food courts, or restaurants across the country. Here are some of the most popular Malaysian street foods... Continue Reading →

The story of an unemployed boy

Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a boy named Alex. He was a bright and ambitious young man who had just graduated from college with big dreams and aspirations. However, despite his best efforts, he found himself struggling to secure a job in his field of choice. Day after day, he... Continue Reading →

Student busniese ida?

One business idea for students could be starting a tutoring service for their peers. With a strong understanding of a particular subject, students can offer tutoring sessions to fellow students who may need some help. This business would require very little overhead and could be advertised through the school, social media, or word of mouth.... Continue Reading →


I have had a very busy couple of weeks and now am unwell once again. I won’t make it out of my bed today. I can barely get up to do the essential things that need to be done. The headache has just about subsided to a point which is tolerable, so looking at the... Continue Reading →

Malaysia Twin tower

The Petronas Twin Towers, located in Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) in Malaysia, are an iconic symbol of the country. Completed in 1998, the twin towers held the title of the tallest buildings in the world until 2004, and they remain the tallest twin towers globally. Designed by Argentine architect César Pelli, the towers exemplify... Continue Reading →

Islamic Matting

Islamic matting, or prayer rugs, are an important part of Muslim worship and can also serve as an essential element of domestic decor for Bangladeshi Muslims. Bangladesh has a rich Islamic tradition, and prayer rugs play a significant role in fulfilling the Islamic practice of praying five times a day. In Bangladesh, prayer rugs are... Continue Reading →

Giulia Tofana

Giulia Tofana was an infamous Italian woman who gained notoriety in the 17th century as a professional poisoner. She was born in Palermo, Sicily, and became known for producing and selling a toxic substance known as Aqua Tofana, named after her. This poison was colorless and tasteless, making it a deadly tool for those seeking... Continue Reading →

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden is a former intelligence officer who gained international attention in 2013 when he leaked classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) to journalists. Before becoming a whistleblower, Snowden worked as a contractor for the NSA and also had previous employment with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Born on June 21, 1983, in... Continue Reading →


In hidden chambers, emotions quietly store, Locked within, like treasures, the heart’s lore… Both joy and sorrow, carefully stowed away, Believing they’ll find a purpose someday… * Yet, fleeting are the moments, brief the delight, For treasures unshared lose their luster, their light… Inhibitions and rivalries hold us in sway, Introversion’s grip keeps connection at... Continue Reading →

A Well-Intentioned Deception

Artwork by Gretchen Deahl The Wishing Map is a full-length fantasy that is being posted episodically at this site. To read the previous episode, click here. To read the entire novel, begin here. In an attempt break free from the naims (gnomes) who’d chosen him as their Storysmith, Zack picked twenty naim semi-finalists, from whom he planned to... Continue Reading →

Leaf Me Alone!

Thought for the Week “Long after the surrounding trees have become skeletal figures amid autumnal quilts, the oaks shed their thick bronze leaves and watch indifferently as the wind blows them into neighbors’ yards. The world is like that, forever leaving us to clean up each other’s messes.” ~Healing River Moving from L.A. to Ohio... Continue Reading →

Investing in the stock market

Investing in the stock market can be a great way to grow your wealth over time, but it's important to approach it with careful consideration. Here are some general ideas to consider when getting started with stock market investing: 1. Research and Diversification: Research companies and industries that interest you, and consider diversifying your portfolio... Continue Reading →

How to Become a Hero

Image source: moddb.com  The Wishing Map is a full-length fantasy that is being posted episodically at this site. To read the previous episode, click here. To read the entire novel, begin here. For the second time, Zack and his sister Gina had fallen into the world of Ismara. And now Zack had encountered a party of childlike naims who... Continue Reading →

Powerful Life

There are many ways you can enjoy your powerful life. Here are a few suggestions 1. Set meaningful goals: Set goals that align with your values and aspirations. This can help you feel motivated and focused as you work towards achieving them. 2. Develop a positive mindset: Cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on your... Continue Reading →

Perfect boys attitude

Developing a good attitude is a process that requires consistent effort and practice. Here are some tips that can help 1. Focus on the positive: Try to focus on positive thoughts and experiences, even when facing challenges. This can help you maintain a positive outlook and avoid getting stuck in negative thinking patterns. 2. Practice... Continue Reading →

Smartest Man in the World

A doctor, a lawyer, a little boy and a priest were out for a Sunday afternoon flight on a small private plane. Suddenly, the plane developed engine trouble. In spite of the best efforts of the pilot, the plane started to go down. Finally, the pilot grabbed a parachute and yelled to the passengers that... Continue Reading →

How to fall asleep fast

There are several methods you can try to fall asleep quickly 1. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. 2. Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Develop a routine to wind down... Continue Reading →

Tips for eating biryani

1. Start with a small portion: Biryani can be quite heavy, so it's best to start with a small portion and see how you feel before going back for seconds. 2. Mix it well: Biryani is typically layered with rice and meat or vegetables, so it's important to mix it well before eating to ensure... Continue Reading →

Gold Coins and a Selfish Man

Sam was a greedy and selfish man. He always desired to have lots and lots of money and never hesitated to cheat others to make money. Also, he never wished to share anything with others. He paid very low wages to his servants. However, one day, he learned a lesson that changed his life forever.... Continue Reading →

Attitudes of Elon Musk

Elon Musk is known for his innovative ideas and his ability to turn them into reality. He has founded several successful companies, including Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company, and his principles have been instrumental in his success. Here are some of the principles that Elon Musk follows: 1. Boldness: Musk is not afraid... Continue Reading →

Never give up on your dreams

Once, there was an older man, who was broke, living in a tiny house and owned a beat up car. He was living off of $99 social security checks. At 65 years of age, he decide things had to change. So he thought about what he had to offer. His friends raved about his chicken... Continue Reading →

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams A young boy and girl were enjoying a pleasant afternoon playing outside in their neighborhood together. The boy showed the girl his collection of beautiful, unique marbles. In turn, the girl showed the boy the handful of candy that she had just gotten for her birthday. The boy proposed that the two of... Continue Reading →

Advice from Old People

Advice from Old People Once in old times young king of country thought that old people are unnecessary and burden to country as they are weak and unable to do any productive work. All his courtiers consisted of young people and they agreed with him. Soon King passed an order that all people above sixty... Continue Reading →


July 2008, Nagpur Airport  Kolkata Nagpur flight was on time. I was waiting in arrival lounge to receive Boss returning by that flight. I received him with prompt gesture. All went well with precision. The boss sat in the car, which whirred away.  On the way, I was briefing about the important papers arrived during... Continue Reading →

Nicely say goodbye

Describe the last difficult "goodbye" you said. Saying goodbye can be tough, especially when you're saying goodbye to someone or something that you care deeply about. Here are some strategies that may help: 1. Allow yourself to feel your emotions: It's natural to feel sad, angry, or anxious when saying goodbye. Allow yourself to feel... Continue Reading →

Grow your Life

What experiences in life helped you grow the most? Growth can come from many different experiences, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, here are some experiences that are commonly associated with personal growth: 1. Facing challenges and obstacles: When you face challenges and obstacles, you are forced to confront... Continue Reading →

Trust in God

A man who just got married was retuning home with his wife. As they were on their way back to home crossing a lake in boat, suddenly a great storm arose. The man was warrior and calm but his wife was very much afraid. She seemed almost hopeless. The boat on which they both were... Continue Reading →


KEEP MOVING ON  Move on to the next immovable object And failing to move it, Go around it or go through it, Move on.  Bang your head against a brick wall, Stub your toe on the floor, Catch your hand in that fast closing door, Move on.  Leave behind the broken heart, Absorb the hurt.... Continue Reading →

Let go of your stresses

A psychology professor entered the classroom with half a glass of water in his hand. The students expected the old common question “was it half empty or half full?” But to the surprise, he asked them “How heavy is this glass of water? The answers given by the students ranged from 7 oz. To 25... Continue Reading →

Up, Down, Back Up

I love and feed two feral male barn cats who live next door to us. I have fallen in love with them both. Mr. Blackie allows me the privilege of touching, kissing, and head bumping him and even oh wow picking him up to cradle in my arms. He goes limp and snuggles right in.... Continue Reading →

Keep Your Dream

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Isidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs. The last time I was there he... Continue Reading →

Value yourself

Value yourself A speaker started off his seminar by showing a $20 to the public. He asked the people “who wants this?” There was no surprise to see that all of them lifted their hands. He offered to give the money to one of them but insisted that he will do something to it. He... Continue Reading →

One day on the sill

“It was like a surreal dream” “Yeah, we were doing our normal patrol”“All I heard was Ernest give a yell” We all rushed over to where Marchin’ Mark was lying. Everyone tried to help. Someone was taking his pulse, someone started CPR, we all thought how would we cope without Marchin’ Mark out there getting... Continue Reading →

This Holi is Holy

Is it not a coincidence that today when the world is celebrating Women’s Day, we in India are celebrating Holi, which has all the colors because of the presence of women, a reason to smile, a reason for our very existence? So for us, it is a true celebration of women power, colour and camaraderie.... Continue Reading →

Comfort and Fear

There are things about my current life that make me feel like a human being: a box of facial tissues on my bedside table to blow my nose on…a ceramic cup for my tea…my little garden…shelves with books… a bed with clean sheets and an inside private bathroom. I used to blow my nose on... Continue Reading →

‘Happiness’ by Mary Lavin

Happiness by Mary Lavin, 1968 The magic trick: Establishing a philosophy early in the story; then showing how the narrator feels about that philosophy throughout the rest of the text We begin a week of Mary Lavin stories, sending us into the world of Irish Catholicism. It can be an intense place. “Happiness” presents a... Continue Reading →

Hidden Marriage

Chapter 2 : A Stranger's Bastard “I’ll just tell it to you straight! That night you drank the wine that I added a little something to, and out of good will, I found two brawny men for you so that you could fully satisfy your desire. Who knew that you would be so insensible? You... Continue Reading →

Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1 : 7 Months Pregnant Her body was burning with heat as strong as volcanic lava, and the only one who could save her, was the man before her.. She clung tightly to the cold marble- like skin, her survival instinct eventually making her give up all resistance.. Pain was accompanied by pleasure slowly... Continue Reading →

Fear not

He could feel something beside him. Just that notion of movement that for a split second sent a chill down his spine. Instinctively he turned to see. With a gasp and a stumbling step back he realised he was staring onto his worst fear. The chill from his spine spread like a spiders web over... Continue Reading →

Ebit lew

Sad to see Puan Zahidah who was semi-conscious who was in a coma for a year earlier due to her husband's torture incident. She was 6 weeks pregnant then and now her child Nufile is 11 months old. God's power, that time was born and survived. God is great. Thankfully her younger brother took good... Continue Reading →

Alone !

"Just when being alone becomes a habit, God finds some people. When you get used to being good with them, you have to be alone again"


“There is no possibility of progressing to the next chapter if you read the previous chapter over and over again”


“As long as I'm breathing, I'll keep trying. Because now I know the greatest way to success: if I try hard enough, I will win.”

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